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Stop foreclosure and save your home

As a foreclosure defense lawyer, I understand that there are few things scarier than losing your home in foreclosure. But there is hope. Foreclosure defense is about stopping foreclosure long enough to save your home. And if you can’t save it, or don’t want to, foreclosure defense is about getting you the time you need to leave on your terms, not the bank’s.

I’ve helped dozens of people facing foreclosure and I can help you too.

Foreclosure is a process, not an event

Foreclosure in Connecticut is a process that plays out over time, not a solitary event like the flip of switch.

An analogy helps: Being in foreclosure is like being on a train. The bank is the conductor. There are a minimum number of stops. The final one – the one that means loss of the house – is Judgment of Foreclosure.

The goal of foreclosure defense is to keep that train from entering that station. 

How can a foreclosure lawyer help?

The foreclosure lawyer has the training and experience to pick apart everything that the bank did or does, searching for wrongs, mistakes, and abnormalities. These wrongs, mistakes, and abnormalities are the tools that the foreclosure lawyer uses to try to stop the foreclosure train or slow it down if it can’t be stopped. Sometimes that means constructing legal defenses, recognizing and exploiting unusual facts, deploying procedural devices to advantage, or combinations of these things.

And stopping or slowing the foreclosure train is essential to successful foreclosure defense because you’re not only on a train, you’re on a train that’s in a race to the Judgment of Foreclosure station. You win the race by solving your housing crisis before the bank pulls the train into that station. If you don’t, you could be on the street.

How do you solve your housing crisis? One way is through a mortgage modification that lowers your monthly payment and lets you stay in your home. To get one of those, you almost certainly need to improve your finances. This usually means getting more hours at work, a new job, a new tenant, or a new business off the ground.

But many people don’t qualify for a mortgage modification, and some don’t want one anyway. These people may just need to save money to move or find a good new place to live.

The point is that the bank isn’t going to stop the train for you while you’re developing and implementing your plan, whatever that might be. You need time. A foreclosure lawyer can help you get it.

Why should you hire Christopher G. Brown to be your foreclosure lawyer?

Because you want a foreclosure lawyer with experience. Since 2007, I’ve handled more than 100 foreclosure defense cases, including taking many cases to the Connecticut Supreme Court and Appellate Court.

Low cost options if you’re worried about paying for a foreclosure defense lawyer

People often feel they need foreclosure defense help but don’t have the money to pay for it. The “limited scope appearance” is a way to get the help while keeping the cost to a minimum.

The limited scope appearance allows the foreclosure lawyer to represent you just for a specific task. The representation is over when the foreclosure lawyer completes that task. Because the representation is limited, the client pays a fee only for the task. There are no ongoing fees.

This contrasts with a regular appearance, which requires the foreclosure lawyer to represent you in all aspects of the case regardless of whether you can ultimately pay for it. That’s not good for you or the lawyer. No one wants to benefit from services that they know they can’t pay for but the lawyer has no choice but to provide. The limited scope appearance avoids this stress.

You can read more about my preferred approach to fees for a limited scope representation on the Fees page.

I also offer foreclosure defense consulting as another less costly way to get foreclosure defense help. With this arrangement, I’m your personal resource, suggesting strategies and options for your defense, explaining the events of the foreclosure process, and guiding you on proper procedure for presenting your claims and defenses. Since I do not “appear” for you in the case, go to court, or draft any documents, you get foreclosure assistance at the lowest possible cost.

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